Thursday, November 28, 2019
Ben Franklin Essays (1708 words) - Benjamin Franklin, Virtues
Ben Franklin Ben Franklin was the definition of the self-made man. He began his career as a simple apprentice for a printer (his brother) following leaving school at the age of 10, but he and his writings went far beyond the shop where he first started. He spent the early years of his life as a printer, moralist, essayist, scientist, inventor, and a philosopher. He later went on to become a civic leader, statesman, and diplomat. Upon man of those careers he was a strong force in developing the new nation of America. His political views showed him to be a man who loved freedom and self-government. His common sense, his whit, and his ability to negotiate behind the scenes lent a hand in the formation of the new country. Ben was put in charge of the paper at a young age when his brother was arrested when Benjamin was sixteen for his liberal statements. A year later, he left for England to become a master printer. There he lived among some of the more inspiring writers of London. He was well respected in England, but his love of liberty and his desire to promote the well being of Pennsylvania pushed him toward independence for the colonies. Since he was still well respected in England, he was the Establishment man-even if he felt now a deep unease on the question: What was the authority of Parliament over the American colonies?(Cite) Franklin first wanted to America to be free under the watchful eye of the British Empire. He had a dream?of a great British Empire, gridding the globe, based upon the commonwealth of free nations, each with it's own laws, it's own government, and freedoms, but bound together by compact with the crown for mutual benefit, mutual defense, and the propagation of English freed oms. The reason for this type of mother daughter relationship was that Franklin still had the belief that Britain still had the best and freest government in the world. In regard to the taxation, the Stamp Act and the Townshend Act, that Britain had chose to impose on the new colonies were not agreed upon by Franklin and he made it known to them in his writings. The sovereignty of the British legislature out of Britain, I do not understand. He felt as though the colonies were in the position to create their own legislation. The colonies already had their own parliaments in place and felt as though these assemblies could properly legislate for these colonies. He once wrote in a letter that he would rather have either Parliament could make all the laws for the colonies, or they can make them all for themselves. He preferred the second scenario. Later in life, Ben Franklin became known as a revolutionist signing the Declaration of Independence at the age of 70 in which he help develop a draft. Most men, even by today's standards would take it easy this far into their lives, but up until he was 80, he was still active in many of Americas business. After signing the Declaration, he continued on as a diplomat, purchasing agent, recruiter, and revolutionist. At the age of 80, he oversaw the dispatch of French armies and Navies to North America to supply America with French munitions. He also supplied loans to the almost bankrupt French Treasury. Through his 80th year, he accepted the presidency of Pennsylvania for three years and later remained active in the promotion for abolishment of slavery. Franklin died three years following the Constitutional Convention of 1787 where he attempted to assist bitter disputes with his wit and good humor. The 13 virtues Franklin had come up with many familiar writings, but after years of reading others' works, he came up with 13 virtues that he noticed were, in that time, desirable to live a better life. 1. Temperance- This virtue I may not be right on within, but this may have have to do with indulging on the appetites or passions that come along with drinking. Basically, if you are to drink, know your limits so as to not loose track of your actions. 2. Silence- This has to do with speaking about nothing. Gossiping. It means that
Monday, November 25, 2019
Deborah-Leaders Essays
Deborah-Leaders Essays Deborah-Leaders Essay Deborah-Leaders Essay Essay Topic: The Namesake Biblical Servant Leadership Fall 2013 Dry. Martin Deborah From Judges, Chapters 4 and 5 I dont often think about leaders in the Bible, but when I do, I often think of the only woman Judge mentioned In scripture Deborah. She Is one to admire. This woman of God provides a picture of leadership quite out of the ordinary in the society of her time. Very few women in of that day rose to positions of Judge. There were powerful queens, but to be a Judge For a woman it could only mean God had ordained her to this position. Deborah stands out equally for her civic leadership, as for her spiritual dervish; exemplifying qualities we all should possess to lead today. In Deborah day, Israel had no king, no central leader to whom Israel looked. Judges describes these perilous times as In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did whatever he wanted During this time Israel found itself oppressed by Cabin, the Canniest king, and Sellers, the general of his army. Japans army was formidable. He had oppressed the people of Israel cruelly for nearly twenty years. This is the situation in which Deborah found herself. The narrative of Deborah in scripture calls how she led the Israelites against these fearsome Canniest. She received specific and distinct Instructions and directions from God so that He could deliver the Canniest into their hands. Guided by God, Deborah stood with Bark, urging and encouraging him to lead the armies of Israel to Mount Tabor in a full on assault of these cruel Canniest. Israel obediently followed Deborah as she followed Gods leadership and defeated Easier, the commander of the Canniest; enjoying an extended period of peace. Deborah might rightly be viewed as a true heroine of history. She was a multi-tasked working as a wife and mother, a prophetess and judge, a poet and singer, as well as a political and military leader. As prophetess, Deborah was In exclusive company. Only two other women In the Old Testament (Miriam, Exodus 15:20 and Hula, 2 Kings share this designation. As a judge, God gave her the authority to render civil court decisions with wisdom, prudence, and equity. As prophetess, God used her to deliver His messages to His people; she was careful not to voice her own words, but only Gods as she yielded herself to Him. My vision, as I imagine her, is not one of a cranky, sarcastic Judge Judy type. No, I see her as an honored mediator dispensing advice and counsel in the Spirit of the Lord. The discernment and assurance God gave to Deborah positioned her as one of the outstanding female leaders In history. Her wisdom and judgment were sought after. Judges says that At that time Deborah, a prophetess, wife of Lapidated, was judging Israel. She used to sit under the palm of Deborah between Raman and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim; and the Israelites came up to her for Judgment. From this vantage point of power and position, she knew that there were storms of battle constantly churning In the valley below. There was chaos and confusion. From that muck and mess, God caused a woman to rise up and lead this nation to the victory God would show her. She recruited the reluctant battle, she stepped up. Her answer was unhesitant and confidently assertive and forthright l will surely go with you; never theless, the road on which you are going will not lead to your glory, for the Lord will sell Easier into the hand of a woman. wish I could say that I am her namesake, but sadly no. However far from my mothers hopes in a name it may have been, the Lord has seen to it that I would share some attributes with Deborah. I feel a kinship with her and if I were a contemporary of Deborah, I would have wanted to hang out with her. She demonstrated such strength of faith and leadership. In many of the ways illustrated below she represents an ideal leader. I believe we can learn much from her by observing her leadership qualities. In verse 5, the people of Israel came to her. Daily she took her seat of Judgment, mediation and prophecy in the shade off palm tree. The people knew where to find her because she made herself available and approachable. From her station under the palm trees, her countenance shone with confidence in the Lord ND a sure word. She did not think herself to be above them, but created an atmosphere of welcome to all. Since leaders are most effective when they are servants, cultivating an environment where others can find counsel and guidance is important. It begins in the heart and is lived out via the value placed on those who would seek direction. Judges 4:6 confirms that Deborah knew God and spent time with Him. Deborah knew Gods word and held tightly to the confidence in Him to deliver it. This confidence, however, did not breed pride. Deborah remained humble, delivering Gods words, and not her own. Even before Palls admonishment that we must decrease but He must increase, she was wisely aware that any significance in her was really of the Lord. When the people of Israel grew too accustom to their neighbors and their gods, becoming too comfortable with the godless unrestrained living of the Canniest then Israel began to adjust to their culture, becoming prey to those who would seek to dominate them. Deborah, however, chose to listen to the true and living God; bending her will to His to redeem the Israelites from the hands of slavery. She was available to be used by Him and ailing to stand in rejection of the foolishness of false gods and worship of self. How would God not select her to lead Israel into victory? It was her confident trust in God that would encourage the troops to battle. It was Deborah resolute and unshakable confidence that drove the Israelites to snatch the victory of the Lord from the godless Canniest. She was brave and steadfast, even in battle. Is it any wonder, then, in verses 8-10 that as Deborah shared with Bark the battle plan and the command to Go he insisted he would not go unless she went with him? Her story is truly a lesson f God conferring success upon those who allow themselves to be led by Him; giving Him all the credit. Deborah took action and led the leaders at a critical time, but with humility, a servants heart and great love and confidence in the Lord. We can learn from Deborah leadership style by putting aside any personal agenda, listening for Gods clear direction, and letting others know who is really running the show. She could have given herself a nice little pat on the back, but she knew the boundaries of the Lord. While Bark was the general and a leader in his own right, she was infinite enough that she could lead him when the need arose. Leaders always rise to the top in crisis. Leaders will even lead leaders, if the outcome demands it. She victory and ultimately she led him into battle 4:14-for this is the day which the Lord delivered Easier into your hand. Has not the Lord gone out before you? A modern day Deborah, Margaret Thatcher, once quipped In politics, if you want anything, as a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman. Her daring leadership brought the victory to a downtrodden people and brought peace for decades. So confident were hey in her courage to lead in the face of fierce enemies and her passion for God that they were willing to fight for the cause no matter the number or odds against them. She stood firm in a time of fear. She even took the helm in luring the enemy into the hands of her soldiers. So sure was she in Lords promise of ordained victory that even the fact she was living and Judging in a patriarchal society, where men seemed to dominate everything around her, did not sway or hinder her in leading men into the battle. Deborah demonstrated wisdom by standing for Godly wisdom in a time of escalating deadliness, fraught with humanism and polytheism; when every man did what was right in his own eyes. Her wise influence is evidenced in that all of Israel CAME to her for counsel, Judgment and advice on matters great and small. Deborah offered Godly counsel. Surely, she was seen as a person who was a thinker and equitable judge; dispensing individual Judgment, she prudently led people back to the truth and to God. Deborah used her tongue to speak Gods truth and encouragement to free themselves from oppression, verse 6. Verse 14 recounts her shouts of encouragement Does not the Lord go out before you? Her later song (5:31) recalling the supernatural victory says that her love for God is like the sun, when it comes in full strength. She wise to understand that positive words of victory were like a 812 shot to the troops as they faced the enemy, verse 14; she lifted their spirits to fight and secure the win Israels God has promised them. Oh, that there were men and women of wisdom like Deborah in our modern age; people who would challenge the people of God to restore their loyalties and fidelitys to God. But, sadly, wise leaders are very rare. Deborah also understood her leadership role in history it was only by he grace of God and the obedience of the people to submit to God, 5:2. Though she was the conduit to deliver the message of victory, she did not manipulate, she did not manhandle or demean those she led. She led with the knowledge that she held a place in history only by the choice and blessing of God. She did not dilute the message by sending the Israeli UN to negotiate she knew the will of God for the people of the Lord. This knowledge brought confidence and an unshakable perseverance to convince Israel that the battle was the Lords, if they would but submit to His will. The adversary, the adversity, the position as a woman in a mans world, prosperity, and flattery none could sway her because she knew this was of the Lord. Deborah, because of strength of character and love for God and His word, gave herself completely to the call, God made her capable for the task and she exuded the confidence to get the Job done. Deborah had placed a love for Gods people deep in her being. Her heart, she said in 5:9, was with the rulers. As one version puts it, her heart was with the willing volunteers among the people Her acute and instinctive sense of discernment told he could see the impact of this waywardness on her own family and the families of her community. She did not argue with God over that fact for she had sat in the gate of Judgment and knew the people were selfish and defying God. She was a prophetess, Gods hand was on her, and her heart was for the people. Though human nature often demands that we take our due, take a bow, get the recognition Deborah refused to proclaim her good deeds, but rather the goodness of the Lord in the battle won. She gives God praise, in chapter 5 and verse will sing to the Lord; I will sing praise to the Lord God of Israel. She also praised the leaders and that faithful destroyer, Jail, who sealed the deal and killed the wicked Canniest king, Easier calling her most blessed of tent-dwelling women Judges 5:24). Deborah had seen as she Judged she had seen the selfish, self-centered, self-seeking Israelites demand their own way. It did not look good on them and would not look good on her. Deborah was wise to make it clear who sat as the definitive commander in chief: The Lord, the God of Israel, commands you, Judges 4:6) and who would gain the praise, Judges 5:3). The life she lived should spur us on. It is a pattern to allow for leaders: Deborah life challenges us in several ways. To seek the wisdom of the Lord as we lead, to retain humility as we lead, to be available to those we lead, give credit to those to whom it is due, be courageous, stand strong in the Lord and in His love and have confidence that this is what he has ordained for you. There is no limit to what can be done when we let Him lead and give Him all the credit when His plan works out. Deborah convened her court under a palm tree over three millennia ago. The Song of Deborah is one of the oldest of these missives in song recorded in he Bible. It states that the stars strayed from their courses and the river washed Sierras armies away in a massive flood. All the Army of Easier fell by the sword; no one was left. Deborah delivered defeat with total destruction. Because of her persistence, because of her presence, because of this utter destruction, peace prevailed. From the first word to the last punctuation, God ordained this woman to lead. She could not and did not deny her giftedness as a leader. Her word for today is her word found in Judges 5:21 March on, my soul; be strong!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Summarize Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Summarize - Essay Example This means that students were expected to understand the lectures through the discussion forum. This helps the students in learning the lecture in a wider context. This leads to learning environment where speaking is not necessary. No set rules regarding learning strategy was provided by the instructor but the instructed provided guidelines regarding how communication should take place between students in the forum. The coursed focused on team based work as students helped each other in finding solutions and students were even encouraged to look for solutions on their own. Attendance for the course was not required, lectures were not deemed necessary, topics were given to the students and students were made to find content for the topics on their own. The course seemed to be quite vague as the course did not even provided any guidelines regarding course outcomes. The course overview already focuses on the interaction and the learning
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
English in India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
English in India - Essay Example In India the struggle between the local and the global is really of current importance, it is an illustrative example of the development of English in postcolonial period. It might be even so, that local language practices, discourses, and values will be swallowed up by the sweeping economic and political forces brought about by globalization. In his recent work, Bhatt argues that these dichotomies of standard and nonstandard English have resulted in many class differences within India, and that the richer classes in India use Standard English to maintain their hegemony over the lower classes, who speak a local variety. By using these dichotomies, Bhatt argues, Indian elites are reinforcing the biased expert discourses that sustain the hegemony of Standard English worldwide (Bhatt 59-63). According to Kachru, questions about language go beyond linguistics; these are connected with the problems of power, history, sociology, politics and economics. The most important reason for the success of English is, naturally the historical role of England as a colonial power. In India, for example, the political power naturally attributed a power to the language (the linguistic elitism strategy was typical for the times of colonization). English has been with India since the early 1600's, and by the early 1800's a large number of English schools were set up. English became the official and academic language of India by the early twentieth century. In the 1920's the nationalist movement rose, bringing some anti-English sentiment with it (even though the movement itself used English as its medium). Independence was gained, and together with it, the perception of English as having an alien power base changed. English came to be the language of the legal system, higher education, administrative network, science and technology, trade and commerce. At that time, the use of English was considered prestigious and powerful, moreover, the indigenous languages were not equipped for these roles and English provided for a convenient vocabulary (Kachru:127-136). However, more recent researches, as that of Annika Hohenthal, which studies the attitudes of Indians towards English by means of the experiment with informants, show that English has become more natural in the Indian environment: nowadays, English represents the domains of education and employment, scientific knowledge, modernization and development, as well as more personal domains, such as the family and friendship. Indians themselves understand that because of linguistic and cultural reasons Indian English is naturally different from the British standard variety of English, it is as a variety of its own. Although English is clearly perceived as a more useful language to know, at the same time, people identify themselves more easily with Hindi, only a rather small proportion identified themselves with British and Anglo-American culture. Most of the informants would like the use of Hindi to be encouraged in India, as well as they would like to see it as the official language also in future. Another important tendency: virtually all the informants were sure that their children should learn English at school. This fact
Monday, November 18, 2019
Critique of the play OEDIPUS REX Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Critique of the play OEDIPUS REX - Essay Example It is the prophecy on which, the story is based. It is linked to the topic of the paper, as it is the main prophecy. According to the prophecy told to Laius, the child who was born in Laiusââ¬â¢s home was to kill his father at maturity and will regard this act as an accomplishment. Jocasta treated this prophecy as a lie told by the soothsayer as according to her knowledge, robbers killed her husband. This is again the prophecy that Oedipus listened before but Jocasta is not aware of the truth. This relates to the topic, as it is again a prophecy told a long time ago and matches Teiresiasââ¬â¢s prophecy. Oedipus informs Jocasta about his wretchedness as according to a prophecy, it was in his fortune to be banished from his native land and stay away from his parents. He has to leave his beloved ones only because of a prophecy that told him that he would kill his father and marry his mother. This quotation is linked to the topic because it is again a prophecy due to which, Oedipus has to travel to another land by leaving his parents who have fostered him. It is this fear due to which, the prophecy comes out to be true. Oedipus laments on listening to the truth and speaks about his worsened state. He says that everything told to him is true and he is a cursed creature because his birth, his kingdom and his wedding, all were for his ill fate. He took birth with bad luck, killed his father and was involved in an incestuous relationship with his mother due to which, he thought that he is cursed trice. This quote is important for the story as it proves the prophecy to be true. This is related to the topic, as the prophecy mentioned earlier is proved true
Friday, November 15, 2019
An evaluation of crime statistics
An evaluation of crime statistics Crime Statistics Evaluated. Crime statistics ought to be evaluated in light of a number of factors that can mislead social constructions of offending. Conclusions drawn from individual data sets are to be evaluated against the dark figure of crime and commonly held myths. Statistical data are mostly gathered and interpreted to suit political and corporate agendas (Chambliss, 2001; Croall, 1998; Rampton Stauber, 2001; Slapper Tombs, 1999). The criminalization/decriminalization of specific activities/behaviours, for instance, can considerably transform crime trends (Croall, 1998). Male homosexuality, for instance, wasnt decriminalized in Britain until the 1960s (Croall, 1998; Downes Morgan, 1997). Other issues stem from how the data is collected. Surveys conducted by household, for instance, dont include the victimization of homeless people (Kershaw et al., 2000). Furthermore, crimes in which offenders and victims are consenting parties (for example drug dealing) are largely unreported (Kershaw et al., 2000; M aguire, 1997). A lot has been done to refine the collection of crime data. The introduction of victims surveys in the British Crime Survey, for instance, has improved the quality of data collection on crimes that are not recorded by the police (Kershaw et al., 2000; Zedner, 1997). Nevertheless, the reliability of statistics on offending remains questionable. Public myths over the crime problem, combined with corporate interests, drive political activities, which in turn work to mould public perceptions. These are perpetuated by the media who tend to sensationalize street crime, for instance, in order to attract the readership (Chambliss, 2001; Reiner, 1997; Slapper Tombs, 1999). The proceeding lines will provide an account of current statistics and trends, following this line of reasoning. Looking at the shape of crime as it appears from the 2004 BCS summary of trends, it appears that rates of offending have consistently dropped in the past decade (Dodd et al., 2004). More in detail, since 1995 violent crimes have decreased by 36%. Acts of vandalism have decreased by 27%. Vehicle theft, theft from the person, other types of theft and burglary rates appear to have declined, respectively, by 51%, 9%, 36% and 47% (Dodd et al., 2004). Though the validity of these figures, to an extent, cannot be totally dismissed, particularly in sight of their statistical significance, they should be further investigated. Many of these crimes, including vandalism and theft, for instance, are assessed by household (Dodd et al., 2004). Therefore theft offences from homeless people may not appear in these figures. Crimes of violence, on the other hand, are statistically assessed against the overall number of adults in England and Wales (Dodd et al., 2004). In this case, illegal immigrants who do not appear in official registers are not included. The table published by the Home Office also contains a definitional bias. As it was acknowledged by the authors themselves: The BCS common assault definition includes minor injuries. From 2002/03 the recorded crime definition does not include minor injuriesà (Dodd et al., 2004). This means that figures related to common assault included a larger variety of violent episodes in the years prior to 2002. This can account for the 43% drop in common assault since 1995 (Dodd et al., 2004).The monitoring of other types of offending, such as cybercrime, has been introduced by external agencies (Power, 2000), though the Home Office themselves have addressed the problem in current publications (Morris, 2004). Cybercrime refers to a variety of offensive activities, to include theft of proprietary information [à ¦], financial fraud [à ¦] [and the] creation and distribution of computer virusesà (Power, 2000: 4). According to the Computer Emergency Response Team (2000), there was a considerable increase in the reporting of internet alerts between 1988 and 1999. It should be noted that this could be largely due to the limited access and technological tools available in the 1980s, compared to the 1990s. Internet alerts, however, fell by the year 2000 (Power, 2000), maybe due to more advanced preventative measures. Financial fraud can currently be denounced as a type of cybercrime, in that it often employs a network of internet transactions, involving large amounts of money and large scale victimization, internationally and over long periods of time (Levi, 1987; Rampton Stauber, 2001; Slapper Tombs, 1999). Corporate and internet offending tend to be largely undetected due to their complex nature (Levi, 1987; Rampton Stauber, 2001; Slapper Tombs, 1999). Because of this, corresponding data tends to be scattered between a variety of agencies (Power, 2000; Slapper Tombs, 1999). A strategic and more advanced model, therefore, should be developed to effectively address the emerging new trends of offending. References Chambliss, W. J. (2001) Power, politics and crime, Oxford, Westview Press.Croall, H. (1998) Crime and society in Britain, London, Longman.Dodd, T., Nicholas, S., Povey, D. Walker, A. (2004) Crime in England and Wales 2003/2004, Downes, D. Morgan, R. (1997) Dumping the Hostages to Fortune? The politics of Law and Order in Post-War Britain, in: Maguire, M., Morgan, R. Reiner, R. (eds.) 1997, The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, Oxford, Oxford University Press.Kershaw, C., Budd, T., Kinshott, G., Mattinson, J., Mayhew, P. Myhill, A. (2000) Home Office Statistical Bulletin: the 2000 British Crime Survey, London, Home Office.Levi, M. (1987) Regulating Fraud, London, Tavistock.Maguire, M. (1997) Crime statistics, patterns, and trends: changing perceptions, in: Maguire, M., Morgan, R. Reiner, R. (eds.) 1997, The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, Oxford, Oxford University Press.Morris, S. (2004) The future of netcrime now: Part 2 -respon ses,, R. (2000) Tangled Web: tales of digital crime from the shadows of cyberspace, Indianapolis, Que.Rampton, S. Stauber, J. (2001) Trust us, were experts, New York, Penguin/Putnam.Reiner, R. (1997) Media made criminality: the representation of crime in the mass media, in: Maguire, M., Morgan, R. Reiner, R. (eds.) 1997, The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, Oxford, Oxford University Press.Slapper, G. Tombs, S. (1999) Corporate Crime, London, Longman.Zedner, L. (1997) Victims, in: Maguire, M., Morgan, R. Reiner, R. (eds.) 1997, The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Euthanasia in Australia Essay example -- Argument for Euthanasia
Although euthanasia is a complex and controversial subject, under certain conditions people should have the right to decide to end their own lives. Is euthanasia murder or mercy? We need to understand what Mercy, Murder and Euthanasia are before we can form any opinion. (Oxford dictionary) Mercy / (say mersee) Compassionate or kindly forbearance shown towards: an offender, an enemy, or other person in one's power; compassion, pity, or benevolence. Murder / (say merduh) Unlawful killing of a human being by an act done: with intention to kill or to inflict grievous bodily harm. To kill or slaughter, inhumanly or barbarously. Euthanasia is such a controversial word that it creates many discussions and even arguments. This has gone on since well before the first legal case of euthanasia had even happened and will continue for a long time to come. The Oxford dictionary defines Euthanasia as (1) Painless, peaceful death (2) The deliberate putting to death painlessly of a person suffering from an incurable disease: also called mercy killing. That seems simple enough as it is worded but there are different degrees of Euthanasia these are: Passive (voluntary/non-voluntary) Euthanasia- This is where life sustaining treatment is either withheld or withdrawn, in order to bring about a quick and/or painless end or because continuing treatment may be unduly burdensome and/or medically futile. Double Effect: This term is used to deny responsibility of an unforeseen death when medication is used to control pain and suffering but where the quantity of medication is the actual cause of death. Medical/Physician Assisted Suicide: This is where a Doctor provides medication to a patient under their supervision to hasten his or her d... be drawn to decide what Euthanasia is and what is not. Is it Mercy or Murder? These groups donââ¬â¢t seem to know, can you make that decision? The right to life organisations believe in the right to live and therefore will always see euthanasia as a killing. The many people who chose relief from the any illnesses will always look at euthanasia as a peaceful end to their suffering live. The Australian laws continue at this time to see euthanasia as a murder thus making it a crime and these crimes are punishable in the courts the same way as any other murder. The euthanasia debate will continue for many years to come. Euthanasia touches some of the deepest feelings in human beings. It is the power over life and death, and responsibilities no one wishes to take or have to be taken. This of course leads to the natural ultimatum, that it is the patient's own choice.
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