Thursday, November 28, 2019

Ben Franklin Essays (1708 words) - Benjamin Franklin, Virtues

Ben Franklin Ben Franklin was the definition of the self-made man. He began his career as a simple apprentice for a printer (his brother) following leaving school at the age of 10, but he and his writings went far beyond the shop where he first started. He spent the early years of his life as a printer, moralist, essayist, scientist, inventor, and a philosopher. He later went on to become a civic leader, statesman, and diplomat. Upon man of those careers he was a strong force in developing the new nation of America. His political views showed him to be a man who loved freedom and self-government. His common sense, his whit, and his ability to negotiate behind the scenes lent a hand in the formation of the new country. Ben was put in charge of the paper at a young age when his brother was arrested when Benjamin was sixteen for his liberal statements. A year later, he left for England to become a master printer. There he lived among some of the more inspiring writers of London. He was well respected in England, but his love of liberty and his desire to promote the well being of Pennsylvania pushed him toward independence for the colonies. Since he was still well respected in England, he was the Establishment man-even if he felt now a deep unease on the question: What was the authority of Parliament over the American colonies?(Cite) Franklin first wanted to America to be free under the watchful eye of the British Empire. He had a dream?of a great British Empire, gridding the globe, based upon the commonwealth of free nations, each with it's own laws, it's own government, and freedoms, but bound together by compact with the crown for mutual benefit, mutual defense, and the propagation of English freed oms. The reason for this type of mother daughter relationship was that Franklin still had the belief that Britain still had the best and freest government in the world. In regard to the taxation, the Stamp Act and the Townshend Act, that Britain had chose to impose on the new colonies were not agreed upon by Franklin and he made it known to them in his writings. The sovereignty of the British legislature out of Britain, I do not understand. He felt as though the colonies were in the position to create their own legislation. The colonies already had their own parliaments in place and felt as though these assemblies could properly legislate for these colonies. He once wrote in a letter that he would rather have either Parliament could make all the laws for the colonies, or they can make them all for themselves. He preferred the second scenario. Later in life, Ben Franklin became known as a revolutionist signing the Declaration of Independence at the age of 70 in which he help develop a draft. Most men, even by today's standards would take it easy this far into their lives, but up until he was 80, he was still active in many of Americas business. After signing the Declaration, he continued on as a diplomat, purchasing agent, recruiter, and revolutionist. At the age of 80, he oversaw the dispatch of French armies and Navies to North America to supply America with French munitions. He also supplied loans to the almost bankrupt French Treasury. Through his 80th year, he accepted the presidency of Pennsylvania for three years and later remained active in the promotion for abolishment of slavery. Franklin died three years following the Constitutional Convention of 1787 where he attempted to assist bitter disputes with his wit and good humor. The 13 virtues Franklin had come up with many familiar writings, but after years of reading others' works, he came up with 13 virtues that he noticed were, in that time, desirable to live a better life. 1. Temperance- This virtue I may not be right on within, but this may have have to do with indulging on the appetites or passions that come along with drinking. Basically, if you are to drink, know your limits so as to not loose track of your actions. 2. Silence- This has to do with speaking about nothing. Gossiping. It means that

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